Eli Dangerfield Describes The Challenges Faced by Businesses During Pandemic

3 min readJan 22, 2021
Eli Dangerfield

Eli Dangerfield says last year the most unexpected thing encapsulated the entire world, no one would have imagined that every aspect of life would come to a halt in this day and age, nevertheless, this is exactly what came to be when the covid-19 virus hit the world. Consequently, to minimize the spread of the virus the governments enforced lockdown and everyone was confined to their homes.

Eventually, businesses of almost every aspect found themselves in deep waters as there was an exponential lack in the number of customers. Eli Dangerfield identified the main key challenges businesses are facing during these times. According to Eli Dangerfield in a crisis like the majority of the business owners find themselves with a decision-making block, as to what direction their businesses should approach. Eli Dangerfield also highlighted how the government is also playing a key role which goes on to become a challenge for businesses all around the world. To ensure the safety and protection of its people the government keeps on changing its legislation in an attempt to minimize the spread of the virus, hence there is uncertainty and businesses have to constantly change to the amendments made. Eli Dangerfield suggests that this is perhaps the toughest time business have faced in the decade. Furthermore, as the governments have imposed the strict observance of safety precautions against the virus, consequently the business had to spend most of their employees’ home and had to maintain work from home environments, which was possible in some cases however the majority if the business faced exponential declines. Eli Dangerfield goes on to tell the mental issues which business owners had to face during the seemingly never-ending pandemic. As the lockdown was practiced for an extended period owner had to cope with anxiety, hopelessness, and fear of going bankrupt.

The quick spread of fake news is a known phenomenon and this continued during the pandemic, plus in a day and age where the world has essentially become a global village everyone has access to information, and this information also includes made-up information which adversely affects business owners even further as it is extremely difficult to differentiate the authentic sources, eventually causing even more overthinking. The business which operated online sought an exponential boom in their business during the pandemic, while some businesses were quick to shift to the internet route but there were some for whom this was a very steep learning curve in addition to this some business were unable to shift to online operation at all.

Businessmen are struggling with numerous problems currently, and it’s hard to decide how to allocate time and money. One way to select is to prioritize things important for the business. Which mainly include employees, clients, suppliers, associates. Your main concern should be the protection and well-being of the workers. The same goes with other partners because they realize what your position is and what to plan to go on. The magnitude of this situation is immense, but there is a silver lining. Eventually, on the other side of this pandemic, we will emerge with a stronger sense of personal empowerment and an enhanced link to our community — all of which will be of value to our companies in the future.

